
Purpose: To inform people about two important people who help with computer | Made for: people who know more about computers  | Style: informal

The two people that made computer the thing it is today


Today when you ask somebody who had the greatest influence on computer. Somebody might say Steve jobs and apple who made the Macintosh or Bill gates and Microsoft who made windows and according to where 74.14% desktop of the desktop market share worldwide is windows. But two men named Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson's who made Unix. You might ask what is Unix, Unix is the thing that everybody uses. Unix is in your Smartphone both android and ios what I am saying these two men we owe everything on them without them you would not be able to read this right now. The two men met at bell labs all the way back in 1967 Dennis coming from Harvard with a science degree in physic and Ken was just a electrical engineer. But when they collaborated they made the Unix operating system and C programming language changing the world of computers for all of us.


                                                                                                                                Dennis Ritchie                                 Ken Thompson's


                                                                                                                   born spet. 9, 1941 - died oct. 12 2011                  born feb. 4 1943


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